Mommy and I are ready to go trick-or-treating. I'm a giraffe and Mommy dressed up as a stay-at-home Mom. I think there's a pumpkin under here ... let me find out! CANDY!!
Happy Halloween from the Christian Family!
October 28 -- After the trip to the Pumpkin Patch I went home and took a nap. THEN we went to a Halloween party at Tyler's house.
I hung out with Froggie (don't know his name), Monkey (Madeline), and Pirate Pumpkin (Tyler, not pictured). Animals! Me and Mommy All the kids (and some Moms and Dads). Can you find me?
October 28 -- Today Mommy, Daddy, and Me went to the Pumpkin Patch. I think pumpkins are really cool.
October 26 - Today I went to a Halloween party at the Farmington library.
Aren't I the cutest giraffe? We were both smiling just before - and just after - this picture.
I can crawl on my belly. I find it's a good way to chase Tinkerbell :) toys toys toys
I can make music! Woo pots and wooden spoons! (Wooden spoons are also good for attacking kitties as they go by!)
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
October 20 -- Today I met Grandpa and Grandma Atwood, Uncle Chris, Auntie Suzanne, and my cousins Tyler and Victoria. We went to Rainforest Cafe! Thunderstorms are really neat.
Look how much I've grown!
1 week old 6 months old
Sunday, October 28, 2007
October 18 -- Check me out in the tub! Woooooo duckies!
October 18 - We're now using cloth diapers. Look at how cute they are!
Some of my new diapers.
YUM! This one is my favorite.
Oops! It's been awhile since I posted. I've been so busy learning new things this month.
Here I am on a cow in the center of West Hartford. Moooo! I'm still getting the hang of eating solids. Sometimes I miss!
Friday, October 19, 2007
October 6 -- It's easiest to get to my toys if I'm in the box with them
My Christening Photos
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
My 6month portraits
Saturday, October 6, 2007
October 3 --
Who's the pretty baby in the mirror?
I'm silly
September 30 -- After the ceremony we had a party at my house. All my friends and family came to celebrate!
Mommy made me a beautiful cake. You can see where Daddy dipped into the frosting :) I hung out in my beautiful party dress with Baxter. Blowing raspberries at Baxter.
September 30 - Pictures from my Christening!
Auntie Chalise, Mommy, Me, Daddy, and Uncle Greg Grammy, Grandpa, Mommy, Me, Daddy, MaMe, and Pape. Daddy, Mommy, and Me!
September 30 -- Today was my Christening.
Here we are with Pastor Schaffer.
Here I am being blessed (I didn't cry !) Here I am with the Pastor meeting my new brothers and sisters in faith.
September 29 --
Fun with Mommy!
Daddy made my hair look silly. I kept trying to grab the balloon but it didn't want to play with me.
September 26 -- I had sweet potatoes today! And then I washed them down with some Sunkist (not really).