I've been doing this for a few weeks but never long enough for Mommy to get a picture. This isn't the best picture but you can still see me doing my newest trick!
January 11 --
More fun with my car. Getting ready for my bath!
January 10 -- More fun .... Beep beep! Making music with Daddy
January 10 -- Look at my new car. It's red, just like Daddy's truck.
Turning the key. Vvroom!
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Do you like my longies?
January 3 -- Today Mommy and I spent the day at Grammy and Grandpa's while Mommy's car was fixed. With Grammy.
With my favorite d-a-w-g, Ben.
January 2 -- Fun with food!
Look at what I can do!
Monday, January 7, 2008
December 26 --
I has force field.
December 25 -- Present time! I got a bouncy horse. His name is Radalfo.
Mommy and me.
I love my animal train!! All aboard!
Ohh - I'll open the big one..
Christmas doggy kisses
December 25 -- Merry Christmas!!
Santa came last night and ate the cookies I left for him. I hope the milk was still cold!
Wow look at all the presents!
My Christmas nap.
Christmas breakfast.
I'm ready for presents!!
December 24 --
My first Christmas Eve! All dressed and ready to hit the town.