Wednesday, January 28, 2009

January 24 --
Mommy brought me home these really neat slippers because I've been sick. I love my Elmos!!

The Elmo on the right is wearing one of my allergy alert bracelets on his eyes. Sunglasses!

Pudding Elmo?
January 22 --
Daddy brought some snow inside for me to play with. I was really mad when Mommy & Daddy made me come inside so Daddy brought the OUTside INside!!

January 21 --
I helped Mommy reorganize the cabinet.

January 20 -
Mommy and I went to the library to get some books on the planets.

I played with the trains and offered all the trains to the other kids. I was very talkative.

I helped Mommy find the books she needed and even some she didn't!

I rode this funny looking worm guy around the library.
Mommy made me a new shirt. What do you think?
January 11 --
Hiding in the basket.

"Heehee hide"

Friday, January 16, 2009

January 14, 2009

We're going to get fish!! I helped Daddy wash the gravel to put in the aquarium.

January 10, 2009

A poor attempt at a self-portrait ...

January 10, 2009

I gave my Elf kisses before he went into his box for the year. He's on vacation until next Thanksgiving.
Mommy, Daddy, and I went to see Disney On Ice today. It was great!! Here are some pictures of the show.

Disney On Ice

January 9, 2009
Happy New Year!

Daddy and I were sporting our glasses for Mommy.

December 27, 2008

Daddy and I were high-fiving with our oven mitts.

Ready to cook. What can I make for you?

You want me to make what? Are you sure?

December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas!

Santa came and ate all the cookies! Good thing I left him 12, huh? He drank all the hot chocolate and left me a special present.

I found the plate ...

...and ran to show Daddy that all the cookies were gone. SANTA CAME!!

While we waited for Grammy, Grandpa, and MaMe to come over I painted. (Grampy was in the hospital)

I see you!! I was playing peek-a-boo with Mommy.

I found my Elf and was saying hi to him. (My elf watched over me during the Holiday season. Every night he went to the North Pole and gave Santa a report. Every morning he was in a new place and I had to find him)

Look at my new chair. It's super comfy and yes, I know it says Lilly. It was either spend $80 for a cover or $10 for one with the wrong name. Mommy said we can pick out some fabric and cover it up. Maybe I'll change my name to Lilly.

Let's see what's under the sheet. PULL ... PULL ...

...PULL .... PULL ...

A KITCHEN!! Let's get cooking.

Ooooh I found cookies!


I'm going to cut some fruit for breakfast. Would you like pears or kiwi?

Yummy eggs! Too bad I'm allergic to them :(

I got tired of opening presents so I read a book with Daddy. Thank you Auntie Sue-Sue!

I got a chef's hat and oven mitts. I'm ready to cook.
I'm going to cook a kitty. Time to glaze! I'll call this dish "patches a choux".
I helped Daddy work on his Hess truck. Handy Manny taught me how to do this.
Making cereal. Thank you Auntie KK!
A horsey! My horsey neighs too.
December 24, 2008
It's Christmas Eve and SANTA is coming tonight!!

Is he here? Is he here?

No, Santa isn't here yet. I'm going to draw.

Mommy and I made Santa cookies. I mixed and mixed until it was too hard. Then Mommy and I put them on the baking sheet and we watched the cookies get really big!

After we got home from visiting Mommy's family I put some cookies on Santa's plate. I was sure he needed 12 cookies so I put lots of cookies on his plate.

I kept dropping the cookies as I brought them to the table. Cookies are slippery!
I put the cookies on the table with some hot chocolate for Santa. I knew he would be chilly so I wanted him to have something warm to drink.

We got lots of snow and I helped Mommy and Daddy shovel. I even threw snow balls at Dad!

Shoveling ...

Playing with the snow...

Daddy helping me make a snow ball. We threw it at Mommy!