I had lots of fun with Daddy & Mommy. Funny how Mommy never gets to be IN the pictures... Escalators are so much fun to ride on!
I'm in a space ship with ... Xavier? We're making lots of noise.
Playing cars with Daddy-guy.
I'm in a wheelbarrow. Cheese!
Mommy, Me, and Daddy!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Fun with my Daddy-guy. I love to go upsey-down!
July 17, 2009 -- Today I went to Daddy's (new) company picnic. Mommy took lots of pictures but for the sake of time only added a few. I had GREAT time on the beach!
The water was really warm and I loved splashing in it!
These are my new friends, Sarah and Katie.
Splash splash splash!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
July 15, 2009 -- I mixed up two days :)
Today I went to visit Auntie Chalise and cousin Nate.
We made Nate's slide into a waterslide!
I swam in Nate's pool...
..sometimes with Nate too!
I love running around in the sunshine.
July 16, 2009 Today Mommy and I went the Lutz Childrens Museum ... for the first and last time.
I talked on a ship intercom!
I "milked" a cow ...
I rode a horse...
I dressed up as a chicken!
Aren't I an adorable chicken?
Saturday, July 18, 2009
July 13 -- Happy birthday cousin Scott!
I LOVE to dance to swing music. Mommy will upload a video when our internet is a bit more reliable.
July 11, 2009 -- Painting!
July 10, 2009 Mommy and I went to the park today!
I love to swing!
My hat fell over my eyes and made sliding so much more exciting!
Watch me go down the big slide...
...here I go!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
July 3 -- Today I went to KidCity in Middletown with Daddy and Mommy. I haven't had a chance to label all the pictures but you can see how much fun I had.
Peekaboo! I see you!
I turned the handle and made the fish move up the conveyer belt. Then they went across the room and landed in a big basket!
I made some Eskimo friends :)
I was typing a message for Mommy on the typewriter.
Then I did some laundry for the babies.
Mommy, Daddy, and I rode on a really cool see-saw. It's a big rainstick!
Net bridge!
Woops! I fell over!
Future teacher
Sporting my shades in the car! Ready to go home ... finally!